


此次展會,兩家公司展示的新品,像是排水泵、EC 電機、壓縮機、管路件以及被覆銅管等,備受關注。這些創新產品憑借其前沿的技術和出色的性能,彰顯了公司在制冷領域的雄厚實力。專業團隊以熱忱、耐心和專業的服務,與眾多客戶達成合作意向,贏得了客戶的信任與稱贊。通過這次展會,兩家公司不但拓展了市場,還提升了品牌的知名度。相信未來,它們會憑借自身的優勢,在制冷領域持續創新,創造輝煌佳績。
The three-day Refrigeration Exhibition in Orlando, USA came to a successful conclusion today. Zhejiang Midea Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Skolan Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd. performed prominently and reaped bountiful rewards at this exhibition.
At this exhibition, the new products displayed by the two companies, such as drainage pumps, EC motors, compressors, pipeline components, and copper tubes with coatings, attracted much attention. These innovative products, with their cutting-edge technology and excellent performance, demonstrated the companies' strong strength in the refrigeration field. The professional team, with enthusiasm, patience, and professional services, reached cooperation intentions with many customers and won the trust and praise of customers. Through this exhibition, the two companies not only expanded the market but also enhanced the brand's popularity. It is believed that in the future, with their own advantages, they will continue to innovate in the refrigeration field and create brilliant achievements.

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